The Virtual Dinner Guest Project!

Open Roads Media is no ordinary media outlet. It was created a few years ago by a friend of mine with a very cool idea.  I wrote about its beginning here.

Bringing the media directly to the people — connecting people from very different parts of the world — is not only a super cool idea, but also opening minds and hearts in ways that the most experienced U.S. diplomats can only dream about.

Here are Eric Maddox’s latest videos connecting Palestinians in Gaza with people from Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Each side asks questions of the other side. Then they close by asking a global question to be shared with the average person on the street.

Listen to the Palestinians share their dreams, in the first video.  And in the second video, people in Rotterdam answer “what is the biggest problem in the world?”

I wish we could have virtual dinner guests in every community.


Filed under Gaza, Media, People, Uncategorized

3 responses to “The Virtual Dinner Guest Project!

  1. dwicjan

    Very interesting.

  2. Thanks so much Lora! People can follow our projects on our website as well:

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