Medical aid convoy to Gaza

Gaza boys flag beach

Friends and readers of this blog know that I’ve been searching for ways to return to Gaza since I left in 2013.

In the past 6 years, Israel has tightened the blockade, making it virtually impossible for anyone to pass through the Erez crossing in the north.

In the summer of 2014, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge, a massively disproportionate military campaign against the civilian population trapped within the largest open air prison in the world.

In the summer of 2015, the Freedom Flotilla III carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza was forcibly detained in international waters by Israel, the participants were jailed, and the supplies were confiscated.

Change ThingsI’ve been to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo several times in recent years asking for their help. In 2012, the Embassy provided me with the requisite paperwork to the satisfaction of Egyptian authorities but now my government refuses to assist Americans wishing to travel to Gaza.

If not by the Erez crossing in the north, or by sea to the west, the only other possibility is from the south, through the Rafah border between Gaza and Egypt.

Through Rafah it will be.

I’ve been invited to join a medical aid convoy bringing urgently needed medicines and medical supplies to Gaza. Alhamdulillah!

My contribution of $10,000 is critical to the success of the mission, and that’s why I’m turning to friends to crowdfund donations for this convoy.

Please read my GoFundMe campaign, contribute if you can, and most importantly, please share the campaign with your friends.  Here’s the link.

I’m financing my travel expenses myself. Every dime I raise in this campaign will be used to purchase medicines and medical supplies for Gaza.






Filed under Egypt, Gaza, Uncategorized

4 responses to “Medical aid convoy to Gaza

  1. Hi Lora. Good for you. I hope this new approach will finally get you in there. I know this has been your dream for a long time. Would you plan to stay and work there? If is is OK with you I’ll light a candle this weekend at Mass and pray for your success. For reasons we have talked about, I’m not making a donation but sincerely hope you meet your goal and more!!!!

    ‪On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 12:09 PM ‫لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?‬‎ wrote:‬

    > Lora Lucero posted: ” Friends and readers of this blog know that I’ve been > searching for ways to return to Gaza since I left in 2013. In the past 6 > years, Israel has tightened the blockade, making it virtually impossible > for anyone to pass through the Erez crossing in the n” >

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