Crowdfunding for Gaza

Dear Friends,
There are so many pleas for help coming out of the Gaza Strip, it feels overwhelming and terribly sad. I’ve seen crowdfunding campaigns to meet educational expenses, campaigns to purchase medicines, campaigns to buy warm coats and blankets for the poor in Gaza, and many more.

Palestinians ask me to share their campaigns on Facebook and with friends from America, hoping that my contacts will help in their fundraising efforts.  I haven’t shared for several reasons: (1) I don’t personally know the individual collecting funds and can’t vouch for them, (2) I won’t support a campaign without a proven track record, and (3) there are established mechanisms to fund many of these efforts through existing NGOs.

Today is an exception. Anees Mansour is an exception. His project for the children in his community is exceptional!
I met Anees in New York City in 2014.  He was on his way back to Gaza having finished an internship with the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice in Olympia, Washington. He wanted to start a project in the Gaza Strip focused on the well-being of children, and he did. In August 2015 he launched the Hope & Peace Foundation for Children.

Anees on the left

I have watched his project grow, struggle and succeed with two projects in the past 5 months that have impacted hundreds of children. I’ve contributed peanuts, and never asked my friends to pitch in.
Now with two projects under his belt, Anees is organizing the third.  He describes it below:
“This is the third small project needed to be implemented during January 2016, after the success of our previous two projects “Gaza Summer Camp” & “Our Right To Play.”
We want to start another month long project for different children in Rafah-Gaza to educate them about their rights and health and how important it is for them. This will happen through the activities we will work on but we need your help to do it!
This project will involve about 120 boys and girls from across the Rafah south of Gaza Strip. Over the course of the month the kids will work and play together through a series of activities to help develop both their creative faculties and teamworking skills.”
I encourage my friends to check out this project and contribute if you can.
Anees is a team leader who has the experience and the heart to make a tremendous difference in the lives of many children in Rafah.  Donations of any size will be used wisely and make a real difference. Check out his online campaign here.
Thank you.

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