Doctor in Gaza refuses to hate the Israeli soldiers who murdered his 3 daughters

The Israeli military proclaims (almost proudly) that its targeting is so precise and accurate that it rarely misses its intended target and only kills the “bad guys,” the “terrorists.”

On January 16, 2009, during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead (23 days of relentless bombing in Gaza which killed some 1,400 Palestinians), the Israeli military shelled the home of a Palestinian physician.

Dr. Abuelaish survived and now lives in Canada, but three of his daughters and a niece were killed that day.  I believe one or two of his daughters participated in a Peace Camp in northern New Mexico before this fateful day.

In 2010, he wrote a book about the loss of his daughters – I Shall Not Hate. My review of the book is here. And he founded Daughters for Life Foundation.

The following 17 minute video describes what happened five years ago.

Dr. Abuelaish shared his hopes for the future in this 18 minute TEDxTalk in 2012.

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Filed under Gaza, Israel Defense Forces, People, Video

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